About Us
... it was officially founded in July 2008 by a group of Italian and Slovakian breeders. Over the years, other breeders wanted to join our Club making it become an international reality, which currently has Members from different European countries such as Italy, Netherland, Switzerland, Poland and Sweden.
... It all started because of the need for a Club where only Cats and Breeding was the main interests.
... a democratic club, open to new ideas, constructive initiatives and up to date with the modern times and technologies, based on mutual respect and respect for the work done by the Members who are part of it.
... formed by breeders of high competence and professionalism who do not make breeding a source of income, but the means to better select the breeds, with particular attention to the health, character and morphological evolution based on their standards.
... above all a Club of friends who share the same interests and the same passion. It is a no-profit club and is is not in competition with any other FIFe club or any other international associations.
... especially proud of being members of FIFe and happy to welcome and respect all its regulations.
... deeply grateful to the FFS that allowed us to put in practice an ambitious project and gave us the opportunity to exist and operate in full autonomy. And now very proud and honoured to be an affiliated Club member of Felis Belgica, and all members are committed to accept and strictly follow their regulations.
Club Italia Members and Board members
will always be available for anyone who wants to get closer
to this new reality of the international feline panorama
and will be happy to welcome anyone who sincerely wants to share
the same goals and the same passion for Pure Bred Cats.
The Board

Felis Belgica is a young federation, member of FIFe - Federation Internationale Feline.
Felis Belgica strongly believes that passion for cats doesn't stop at the border and gladly carries on the banner of the international nature of the association. Only together, we can prioritize the welfare of the cat and bring the cat fancy to a higher level!